

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Structural Reforms And Changes

Conversion plans have been launched in three phases.

1. Low-cost production by the working class.

2. Mechanical engineering and metallurgical plants

3. Development sintering processes.

The vehicle should be the Lambretta. The idea came from vehicles dropped in Rome by the British parachute. Innocenti thought that similar vehicles could be of great interest in a country where people needed a vehicle to move quickly. In Guidonia Innocenti met Colonel D'Ascanio, but they soon discovered they had different ideas on the vehicle must be designed. Colonel D'Ascanio was in fact later engaged by Piaggio, which he created the "Vespa" scooter. Innocenti contacted another colonel at the Experimental Centre in Guidonia, Ing. Torre, who was to become "father" of the Lambretta scooter. In metallurgy Ferdinando Innocenti wanted to exploit the research and experience of Calmes at Apuania on the production of seamless tubes. Sintered materials in the idea was to produce bushings and bearings for electric motors and endothermic machinery.

It was an ambitious restructuring and conversion program, which involves a qualitative and quantitative analysis of employment. There was the time 691 skilled workers, specialists and foremen, workers and 969 unskilled workers, 729 women, 146 boys delivery, Watchmen, users and drivers, employees and designers in 2252, totaling 2767 people : 1900 to Lambrate, 500 of Guerra III, 367 by Guerra II. Around a hundred people working outside of the local ATA, etc.

People had to be reduced to about 970 and about 2000 were rejected. At the end of 1945, the activity was very rare - only a hundred people worked on building the bodies of electric motors Bezzi. This activity does not even cover costs, so raw materials were sold, 42,000,000 lire worth of Treasury bonds were sold in Rome, 3,000,000 lire were recovered with the sale of stocks Dalmine. But to live that the company needed to recover 175 million lire of credits, mainly from Germany.

In early 1946 still had 800 employees, more than 150 employees. November 12, 1946 is the first financial investment for reconstruction and production was (300 million pounds, which began in 1947. Shortage of coal and electricity caused many delays, but the third installment (sintering) was rejected because the technology has been overtaken by time. At the end of 1946 was part of the orders already received: 6 special machines Dalmine 200 tons in total, the construction of tube mills Yugoslavia (3200 tons) and 1150 tons of machinery Polony.

These goods are paid for raw materials and coal. Production of scooters had been again delayed because of supply difficulties, and because the energy shortage. In addition, the product is completely new society. The first installment of 25 Lambretta was nearing completion when the Lambretta scooter two and a van were ready for the Universal Exposition in Paris. Commercial agents were at work 33 provinces and 3300 bookings had already been obtained. Scooters must be submitted no later than March 1948. Aluminum foundry was fully active and equipment for cast iron were prepared. The economic situation is still critical, but improved in April, thanks to a loan of one hundred thousand dollars for the U.S. Eximbank.

Instead, the newspaper Lambretta 150, no more than 10 have been made, especially since the organization defective and lack of economic resources. Mr. Calbiani reorganization designed to achieve the production of scooters days 25/30 and soon, by next spring, 50 days. The foundry was fully used to produce parts needed to make the Lambretta, is no longer the autonomous development of the Innocenti had foreseen in his three-point plan. Apuania city rebuilt, and Francesco Innocenti had an important role in the production of pipes makes rapid economic movements and the creation of new businesses. Lambrate establishment was run by Lauro who, in addition to having important knowledge in the industrialized world, but it was also very much enjoyed working Shipbuilding, IRI companies.

However, the automotive division remains a problem, and Lauro complained that "the production of scooters is an adventure putting the company at risk, all profits from the mechanical division is used and some of the reservation. " Mr. Moro also expressed his doubts to the management "of the Lambretta production due to a series of errors, cost the company a huge sacrifice," around 500 million dollars in the expected number.

A selection of projects to avoid possible errors in assessing the real possibilities of putting the bikes on the market, resulting in the production of a small low-cost "working-class tractor". Only 20 HP, which could be transformed into a small van by a national patent, and was already under construction in Hesemberg in Monza.

The production of the Lambretta M (first type) reached at the end of 1948, the potential of 80 to 85 units per day, but in fact, only 70 were produced by the difficulties in covering the national market. During the fall season, exports began to U.S. and Argentina, with a first batch of 2000 pieces. At the same time, a second model was designed (type B) that would occur in 1949 and was to address the many shortcomings of its predecessor. In fact, it seemed that the first model and essentially kept the same engine, but a new suspension system of the front wheels should be applied and the rear suspension was introduced a hand gear instead of foot gear and 8 inches instead of 7-inch wheels, and metallic colors.

A selection of projects to avoid possible errors in assessing the real possibilities of putting the bikes on the market, resulting in the production of a small low-cost "working-class tractor". Only 20 HP, which could be transformed into a small van by a national patent, and was already under construction in Hesemberg in Monza.

The heavy engineering division had no worries because there were orders to cover production a year and a half. Despite what someone said "in this period, we ate 30% to finance the production of Lambretta."

The company now had a truly modern and efficient management office. The president Ferdinando Innocenti was supported by Fioramonti and Fumagalli, Lauro was the general manager and a leader Guani Central Moro executive director. The mechanical division was run by Rey and the engine division, since June 1949, by Parolari.

In late October 1948, a 9660 Lambretta type were produced, and the genesis of this model was abandoned. Account costs in February 1949, showed a deficit of more than 800 million lire. But it was not a problem according to Ferdinando, because in the first three months of lost production model B had fallen from 200 million recovered by the sale of lucky this new model, which, as we said , no longer had an error of type A.

Production is now well organized and has grown from 70 pieces per day of January 1949 nearly 150 in July. It was hard to keep up with demand. Light transport vehicles with the scooter mechanics have been produced since March 1949 at a rate of four per day. Also the heavy mechanics were now working well, largely thanks to a large supply requested by Austria.

On June 30, 1949, the following were the board: President Ferdinando Innocenti, Chief Lauro, Luigi Innocenti advisors (son of Fernando), Giussani and Pestalozzi.

Two new models of improvement (125 and 125 C faired CL) was introduced in January 1959. The production of 60,000 motorcycles are planned, double compared to the previous year. The increased production means the construction of a plant opening and moderning new production equipment, especially for the gears and aluminum castings. The production of new models launched before the processing line was completed, and no more than the previous model bikes were in stock. In May, 5500 and pieces were made in a month, in July of 260 pieces a day were made, 160 C and LC 100, which equates to 6,200 per month. In 1951, production increased to 7,000 per month. Sales have exceeded expectations in 1952 and a further increase and it was decided to increase production in 8000. In December 1951, two new types were ready, D and LD, the first low-cost model and efficiently the second, more elegant and linear.

Meanwhile, a manufacturing license for Lambretta bikes had been granted to NSU in Germany (1950), and France, a similar agreement was made for an initial production of 13,000 motorcycles. The majority of the shares belonged to Innocenti.

When the Model D, 8000 units per month have been achieved and exceeded. In 1952, for a total of 96 000 vehicles produced, 16 000 of which are exported. This high production was difficult to place on the domestic market and abroad, has been some resistance, then in 1953 it was decided to design a cheaper type, model E, and produces a 70/80, 000 of this model, and 40 / 50, LD 000 model, the goal is to keep revenue at the same level. But the demand was expected level, even if there was an increase of 11% compared to 1952. 1063 copies of the motor van were produced in 1952 and 4780 the following year. Exports rose by 25% of total production.

In 1955 the Innocenti company obtained one of the most important work orders history: in fact, building a factory in Venezuela was a huge job, equivalent to 350 million dollars (the Fiat plant in encrypted Togliattigrad $ 920 million in Russian). Fiat also participate in the bidding, and combine the two companies. Work began in early 1956. Fiat was about to break the joint venture for the company Innocenti earned a revenue of 40 million dollars. The work was completed, even if the democratic government after ousting the head of Jimenez, decided that the cost was too high and not pay. But the government was the result of more favorable terms with Innocenti and finally respected the agreement.

The production of scooters in 1955 reached a good level, although not as good as in 1953. Earlier this year, a big wheel 48 cc two-speed motorcycle was launched ("Lambrettino 48"), with a production of 6,000 units and 22,000 units in 1956. Increase in total production (+ scooters motorcycles) is 20%.

Between 1958 and 1963 Italy was a great industrial boom. In 1961, there was an increased production by 97% compared to 1953. Innocenti accordingly increased production: given a production of 100 motor vehicles in 1957 rose to 103.5 in 1958 to 120 in 1959 to 148 in 1960.

In the 2800 tons heavy engineering machines were made in 1950, rose to 21,550 in 1960. Profits at the end of 1960 was 59% higher when compared to 1950. Share capital increased by 2000%. Much of the increase is due in Venezuela "business". Luigi Ferdinando Sun, who was vice president since 1958 and actually lived in the shadow of his father, managed to meet its long-life dream: he applied his decision - and that was the only time in his life - to build a motor car. This change was made necessary to use large income earned in previous years.

In 1957, Eng. Torre had been asked to design a small car, but then the Parolari (Lauro preferred) took Torre off the project because he wanted to be just one of the leading car-sharing. In 1957/58, the Tower has designed a prototype of a commercial vehicle that the plant could be built entirely innocent, but once again the project was rejected, early next year, when the contract is concluded with the construction Gogomobil Iseria 400 cm3, a small car. In addition, the Innocenti did not want to annoy the Fiat in the field of heavy mechanics.

In 1959, BMC of Birmingham was contacted to conduct an Austin 900 cm3 saloon: the A40. The agreement includes the assembly and painting of parts supplied by BMC. This was a seven-year deal on incomplete and unfavorable Innocenti. In a year or more of the A40 line treatment was completed at the end of 1960, production began with about 100 cars a day. The assembly line was certainly obsolete, if compared to Fiat.

In 1961-1962 he was also a division of the parties that support the production was ready for the A40, the roadster and coupe Bertone with the same mechanics as A40. The total production amounted to 20,900 units in 1962 and increased in 1963, when production of IM3 in the regular and super models to start, so at the end of the year, amounting to 30,600 units.

In 1966 at the age of 85 Ferdinando Innocenti Commander - which has undoubtedly been one of the brightest captains of industry and genius in the world - has died, and his son, Ing. Luigi succeeded him at the head of the company.

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